
Wilderness Combo Package – June 2024

Original price was: $340.00.Current price is: $220.00.

Red Cross training for a 2 year certification in Adult CPR, AED, and Wilderness & Remote First Aid. This combination course offers all training to prepare you for wilderness adventure in a two-day format of official Red Cross training.

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An 18-hour Red Cross training for a 2 year certification in Adult CPR, AED, and Wilderness & Remote First Aid. This combination course offers all training to prepare you for wilderness adventure in a two-day format of official Red Cross training on 1 June – 2 June 2024.

The Boy Scouts of America worked with the Red Cross to develop this curriculum specifically for Scouts BSA crews going on wilderness treks, backpacking trips, and campouts. Scout groups going to the national BSA high adventure bases of Philmont, Northern Tier, Sea Base, or Summit Bechtel are required to have a minimum of 2 adult advisors with this certification.

Leaders conducting their own treks should also have this training to be prepared to identify, assess, and address situations requiring first aid in remote environments. Some youth organizations require this training before working at a resident camp or taking youth on any extended trip of more than 72 hours. Check with your local council to get the latest information on adult training requirements for camps, trips, travel, and remote wilderness treks.

This course provides Ambassador Girl Scouts with the requirements to fulfill the Ambassador First Aid Merit Badge.

The minimum age for all youth participants is fourteen years old.

CPR and AED training is done first, followed by the full active, hands-on, skill focused WRFA session.

The dated 2-year Red Cross certification for each course is sent out after course completion. You will receive one for Adult First Aid/CPR/AED and one for Wilderness and Remote First Aid.

Classes can be canceled by the instructor if the minimum participant level has not been registered within a reasonable time window before the date of the class.

This training will be held at Thurston Lodge, Rum River Scout Camp, 15659 St Francis Blvd NW, Anoka, 55303.